Satellite Meeting Application of PENTAtrainer in prosody research A satellite workshop for TAL2016 Organizers: Yi Xu, PhD Department of Speech, Hearing and Phonetic Sciences, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, University College London, UK Santitham Prom-on, PhD King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand Length: 4 hours Abstract: PENTAtrainer, a user-friendly tool kit for analyzing and synthesizing speech prosody (PENTAtrainer), is developed to facilitate an emerging paradigm in prosody research—analysis-by-modeling. The paradigm is based on the notion that the quality of our knowledge of prosody is commensurate with how successfully we can quantitatively model it to the extent of resembling natural speech. This workshop, consisting of a tutorial and a poster and practice session, will provide an opportunity to introduce and evaluate PENTAtrainer. We welcome participation by both experienced users and novices, and by both basic researchers and application-oriented scientists.